Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Winter = Slow Season

Since it is getting colder outside and my photography business is going to be a little slow for the next few weeks, I thought I would take this opurtunity to promote my beautiful sister Julie's new non-profit organization, Cradled or Carried. My sister was diagnosed with brain cancer this past summer and she has started this organization to help other cancer patients find support and to raise funds for the National Cancer Society. Make sure to visit her site and read her story. While you're there, why not make a donation or buy one of her handmade bracelets to support the cause?

                                                                   Cradled or Carried
One of my favorite photos of my sister Julie and her son Zachary. This photo was taken a couple weeks after Julie had emergency surgery to remove a brain tumor last summer. I spent a morning taking photos of her and her three beautiful children and this is one of the images that will always have a special place in my heart.

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